Entertainment Supply & Technologies

Reel News: What moviegoers own that you should know about

The view from the box office has changed a lot in recent history.  From the inside looking out, you’re most likely to see young adults strolling up to the window (with one eye on their iPhone) pumped to see cars crash, aliens explode and magical creatures disappear.   Heck, they may not even bother with the box office since they can buy their tickets on said iPhone, and go straight to the person we used to call the ‘ticket taker’.


So to answer the title riddle: Technology. Lots and lots of technology.   In 2016, the Motion Picture Association of America found that the most common moviegoers are between the ages of 18 and 24, and most of them own not one, two or three – but a collection of four pieces of the latest and greatest (which hopefully they leave in their pocket or purse during the show).

And since movies continue to be more popular than Mickey Mouse or the Yankees, it’s safe to say this trend in attendance is still on the up and up.  So keep converting to digital if you haven’t already for any other reason besides a dedication to film’s authenticity. Take your largest auditorium and retrofit the biggest bleeping screen that will fit.  Put a Coca-Cola Freestyle out there next to your napkins and condiment server.  Keep them coming back for more: more digital drinks, more 3-D super heroes, more fully-immersive technological magic.

Because we don’t need to tell you movies are a $38 billion dollar industry.   And the kids coming up next are probably going to have five devices they use to tinker, swipe and tweet.  Get them tweeting about the great movie experience they had at the Hometown Cinema 4, where both of their eyes were glued to the screen.

Motion Picture Association of America 2016 Report

For more information on the cinema services ES&T provides for our clients, contact us here.